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Anti-cellulite Massage

Anti Cellulite Massage

Anti-Cellulite Massage is a specialized massage concentrating mainly on the area where cellulite, or 'orange peel' skin is most prevalent on the body.

In today’s world, massage is fast becoming a part of anti-cellulite therapy. While its effectiveness can be argued, it definitely does help in getting your skin looking and feeling good, by making it more toned and your limbs generally more flexible.


International Education Siciety London
International Education Siciety London International Education Siciety London

1 day

Massage Courses: Anti Cellulite Massage, Massage Schools Dexter Academy:

Massage courses in:
United Kingdom: LONDON
Price: 100 EUR / 1 day
Czech Republic: PRAGUE
Price: 100 EUR / 1 day
Date: 25 October 2010 (9 - 17 hod)
Price: 100 EUR / 1 day
Price: 100 EUR / 1 day
Date: 29.11.2011

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