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Dexter Massage Therapy

Dexter massage Therapy

Touch is a very important part of human contact. It helps us feel connected and loved by those around us. Massage uses touch through rubbing or kneading of parts of the body to aid circulation, relax the muscles, or provide sensual stimulation. Massage is one of the oldest, simplest forms of therapy. The basic goal of massage therapy is to help the body heal itself and to increase health and well-being. There are many health benefits to receiving massage therapy on a regular basis: Massage therapy Relieves stress Encourages relaxation Improves circulation Improves posture Lowers blood pressure Helps manage pain Relaxes muscles Improves flexibility Improves breathing Relieves tension headaches Strengthens immune system Decreases depression A good massage is an exhilarating experience.

14 days

Massage Schools Dexter Academy

Massage courses in:
United Kingdom: LONDON
Price: 1 140 EUR / 14 days
Czech Republic: PRAGUE
Price: 1 140 EUR / 14 days
Price: 1 140 EUR / 14 days

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Massage School & Massage Courses & Barcelona & London & Prague